Mindfulness & Meditation Practice
Mindfulness is the capacity to be present and awake to our lives. It is to be aware of what is going on inside us and around us in the world. We can bring the energy of mindfulness to anything we do: sitting, eating, walking, driving our cars, sweeping the floor, scrubbing the toilet, washing the dishes, hugging our loved ones, making love, etc. When we live our lives mindfully, when we live deeply anchored in the present moment, everything we do becomes a sacred act.
Meditation is a basic practice of mindful living. Through meditation we learn to cultivate concentration which leads to insight. As we sit in meditation, we learn to become still in our mind, body, and heart. As we learn to become still we begin to see that we have only one moment that is real: the present moment. We realize that we always have more than enough conditions in this present moment to be happy. We gradually awaken to the beauty of being alive!
There are many ways to practice meditation. Most usually consist of focusing on an object of some kind: our breath, a word, a phrase or mantra. Anything that pulls our mind out of our habitual patterns of being can be used to meditate and produce concentration. Here are some basic instructions to get you started:
Find a comfortable place to sit. Preferably a place that will be free of distractions. Your back should be upright but not rigid. Your legs should be crossed in front of you, palms resting gently upon your thighs, eyes softly gazing at the ground or closed. You may also sit in a chair, with your feet flat on the floor. Begin to follow your breath as it enters your nose and into your lungs. Then follow it out. You may say, "Breathing in, I am aware that I am breathing in. Breathing out, I am aware that I am breathing out." You may shorten this to "In" when breathing in and "Out" when breathing out. Do this for a couple of minutes and gradually increase your time to 20 minutes as you deepen your meditative practice.
After doing the above breathing practice for a few minutes you may want to introduce a word or phrase (mantra) to help focus you mind and heart during meditation. Here are some suggestions:
Repeat these words as you breathe in and out:
Breathe in: Peace or Love
Breathe out: Calm or Smile
Other suggestions: Light, Joy, Happiness, Serenity.
Repeat these phrases or mantras as you breathe:
Breathing in: I calm my body.
Breathing out: I smile.
Dwelling in the present moment (as you breathe in).
I know this is a wonderful moment (as you breathe out).
Feel free to use any word or phrase that inspires or uplifts you.
Say or do whatever feels right for you. Its your practice: own it!
Come join us Sunday mornings at 10 am to practice meditation and living together as a mindful community. Hope to see you there!
Meditation is a basic practice of mindful living. Through meditation we learn to cultivate concentration which leads to insight. As we sit in meditation, we learn to become still in our mind, body, and heart. As we learn to become still we begin to see that we have only one moment that is real: the present moment. We realize that we always have more than enough conditions in this present moment to be happy. We gradually awaken to the beauty of being alive!
There are many ways to practice meditation. Most usually consist of focusing on an object of some kind: our breath, a word, a phrase or mantra. Anything that pulls our mind out of our habitual patterns of being can be used to meditate and produce concentration. Here are some basic instructions to get you started:
Find a comfortable place to sit. Preferably a place that will be free of distractions. Your back should be upright but not rigid. Your legs should be crossed in front of you, palms resting gently upon your thighs, eyes softly gazing at the ground or closed. You may also sit in a chair, with your feet flat on the floor. Begin to follow your breath as it enters your nose and into your lungs. Then follow it out. You may say, "Breathing in, I am aware that I am breathing in. Breathing out, I am aware that I am breathing out." You may shorten this to "In" when breathing in and "Out" when breathing out. Do this for a couple of minutes and gradually increase your time to 20 minutes as you deepen your meditative practice.
After doing the above breathing practice for a few minutes you may want to introduce a word or phrase (mantra) to help focus you mind and heart during meditation. Here are some suggestions:
Repeat these words as you breathe in and out:
Breathe in: Peace or Love
Breathe out: Calm or Smile
Other suggestions: Light, Joy, Happiness, Serenity.
Repeat these phrases or mantras as you breathe:
Breathing in: I calm my body.
Breathing out: I smile.
Dwelling in the present moment (as you breathe in).
I know this is a wonderful moment (as you breathe out).
Feel free to use any word or phrase that inspires or uplifts you.
Say or do whatever feels right for you. Its your practice: own it!
Come join us Sunday mornings at 10 am to practice meditation and living together as a mindful community. Hope to see you there!